Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Thesis statement (revised one)
Due to the seperation from blacks and whites, there was a conflict that demanded different races to attend seperate schools. oliver O. Howard created an all black college that gave blacks and other races an opportunity to recieve an equal education.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
The Life of Oliver O. Howard( thesis statement)
Even though he helped out americans by making a very good college, he is a very important indivisual because he is the founder of Howard University and he made a big contribution to America.
"Oliver O. Howard- Major General during the American Cival War." Cival War Homepage. Available from http://www.angelfire.com/co3/ohoward/. Internet; accessed 6 November 2008.
4 annotaion
"Col. Oliver O. Howard." Bull Runnings, A Journal of the Digitization of a Civil War battle . Available from http://bullrunnings.wordpress.com/2008/10/02/51-col-oliver-o-howard/. Internet; accessed 6 November 2008.
Friday, October 24, 2008
1.Copyright ©2008 Soylent Communications, "Oliver O. Howard." NNDB tracking the entire world. Available from http://nndb.com/people/349/000103040. Internet; accessed 24 October 2008.
2.John Oeffinger, Dr. P. W. Carleton, Joan Schwartz, "Major General Oliver O. Howard." Available from ttp://schwartz.eng.auburn.edu/ACW/lrtmap.docs/oohoward.html. Internet; accessed 24 October 2008.
OCHC, "Oliver Otis Howard." Available from www.ochm.org/howard. Internet; accessed 24 October 2008.
2.John Oeffinger, Dr. P. W. Carleton, Joan Schwartz, "Major General Oliver O. Howard." Available from ttp://schwartz.eng.auburn.edu/ACW/lrtmap.docs/oohoward.html. Internet; accessed 24 October 2008.
OCHC, "Oliver Otis Howard." Available from www.ochm.org/howard. Internet; accessed 24 October 2008.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Topic Selection Post:
I chose Oliver O. Howard for my NHD project because I think that he is a very fascinating individual. This person is important to history because he made the college Howard University the first African-American college. This person is important to history because without his effort, there wouldn't be any African-American colleges. For this week's research, i found a website that has important information like his birthday, his contributions, photos, etc. The website is http://www.nndb.com/people/349/000103040/.
Monday, June 2, 2008
last week's service learning
Last week, i called up the Gallery to ask them a question. Then, all of us researched about our topics. I researched child poison and I got the phone number to the Poison Control center. Our group is making a lot of progress.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
my plans for service learning
For my group service learnig project, my job is to call up the Gallery and ask if it cost money to set up a station to pass out and give info about child safety.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Service Learning
Last service learning, we went out of the building and walked around looking at places where there is lead and we were also thinking about surveying other people about lead/child safety. Then, we went to McDonald's to eat.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Friday, May 2, 2008
Yesterday's Meeting
Yesterday, we discussed which questions we were going to use for our survey. We also talked about different jobs that we were going to do for next time's meeting. The last thing we discussed was different contacts we can use for child safety.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Thursday's meeting
I learned more about the project on Thursday. I still want to know what certian thing we're going to do to aware people about air pollution.
In the meeting, I would like to be the time keeper.
In the meeting, I would like to be the time keeper.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Last Weeks Meeting
In last weeks meeting, we discussed different ideas for our project. In order to inform people about safety in their homes or safety about pollution, we discussed things we can do to inform them. Such as pass out brochures, make a website about pollution, or go door-to-door and tell people about it.
Monday, March 24, 2008
My Progress in Spanish Class
umm..... I think I am doing okay in Spanish class. The last time I looked at my grade, I had a 93 ( or something like that). I might have went down a little bit because I haven't turned in one of my projects. For my report card, I would like to have an A or a B. The one thing that I struggle with in this class ( really in all my classes) is test taking. I do well with the class work ,but I just suck with test. As soon as I take them, I just forget everything. But, besides that, I thing I am doing very well in Spanish class.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
NHD Reflection
1. My topic for NHD was slavery in Philadelphia and slavery at the President's house. It was a documentary. My partners were K'La Sigler and Shani Amos.
2. What I learned in my project was that its better to start earlier because when you wait until the last minute, you start rushing and messing things up and you start to stress out. When I did my project, i learned that George Washington owned slaves in the city of "brotherly love". I also learned that George Washington had some of his slaves teeth in his mouth since his fell out. I learned that you should have partners that know how to work well with computers (which my partners did).I also learned that NHD is a very important project and this grade determines your grade for historiography.
3. My partners and I had some successes. The first success was that we finished our project. We also got very good information for our project.
4. The challenges we faced were doing our voice overs because we had a hard time doing them because we always had people go before us I think that this was the mos frustrating challenge we faced.
5. Next year, I might do a exhibit because it seems a little bit easier than a paper and a documentary. I also would like to start a little bit earlier for my project. I think that I will have a better experience because now I know what to do know and now I know what my teachers will expect from me.
2. What I learned in my project was that its better to start earlier because when you wait until the last minute, you start rushing and messing things up and you start to stress out. When I did my project, i learned that George Washington owned slaves in the city of "brotherly love". I also learned that George Washington had some of his slaves teeth in his mouth since his fell out. I learned that you should have partners that know how to work well with computers (which my partners did).I also learned that NHD is a very important project and this grade determines your grade for historiography.
3. My partners and I had some successes. The first success was that we finished our project. We also got very good information for our project.
4. The challenges we faced were doing our voice overs because we had a hard time doing them because we always had people go before us I think that this was the mos frustrating challenge we faced.
5. Next year, I might do a exhibit because it seems a little bit easier than a paper and a documentary. I also would like to start a little bit earlier for my project. I think that I will have a better experience because now I know what to do know and now I know what my teachers will expect from me.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Activities for Service Learning Project
1.Well I don't really know what I want to do for my Service Learning Project because I don't really know what I'm interested in.I don't want to work with little kids or old people. Hmmm.....i really don't know what I want to do. Well I might want to help sponsor a fundraiser for kids in Africa or kids that have cancer.
2. Well i don't know many contacts, but maybe I can call a sponsor person that helps kids that hav cancer, or kids in Africa.
3.I haven't called anyone yet
2. Well i don't know many contacts, but maybe I can call a sponsor person that helps kids that hav cancer, or kids in Africa.
3.I haven't called anyone yet
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
reflections on nhd
I thought that NHD was too hard and to last minute. They told us things that were going to be do in a couple of days, but we needed like a week to do it. In my opinion, not a lot of teachers helped us. Some did,but most didn't, especially when it came down to the dead line.....This was a different experience for me. This was the first time I've done this kind of project; this was also the first time I've done a documentary . But through it all, I've learned a lot of things. For example, I learned that George Washington owned slaves in Philadelphia at his house and he used their teeth because his were falling out. I also learned that it takes lot of work and commitment. I would change a lot of things to this NHD. First, I think we should have a longer time on this project.I also think that their should be more hands-on help from teachers. During this project, i faced a lot of challenges. For example, I lost untruest in my project. I also kind of got lazy with my project. But when it came down to the wire, I stuck and committed to my project. I do not want to do this dumb project again, but i know that if I come to this school again, I'm going to have to do it......NHD, the worse project eva eva eva
Friday, January 18, 2008
The Grade I Deserve for English
What grade do I think I deserve for English? Well, 1 grade that I know I am
nowhere near is an F because an F means that you hardly did any work at all, and I
DO work. But honestly, I think I deserve an A/B, but most likely, I’ll end up with a B because I do my all my work.
Mr. Romero, I believe you should make my grade a B. I have always been an A-B student. I have never received anything lower than a B in Reading/English class. I have always made good grades in this subject. I’m not saying I’m perfect, but I always put my best effort into my work.
English is one of the subjects that keeps my attention while I’m in class. I always try to stay focused and prepared. I have turned in all of my assignments to you this whole year and I have also learned a lot in your class. For example, I’ve learned what pronouns, adjectives, and adverbs are. I also learned how to make better, organized charts and I learned more about conflicts, setting, plot, characters, and conclusions.
Now Mr. Romero, you know that I have always been a very respectful student to both you and my classmates but I also know that I lack in my participation skills. This is something I am going to work on for the rest of the year.
I really want an A/B in your class. When I get my report card, I would like to have all A/B’s in all of my classes. I want to have all passing grades because I want to make my parents proud of what I’ve accomplished in my first year of high school.
nowhere near is an F because an F means that you hardly did any work at all, and I
DO work. But honestly, I think I deserve an A/B, but most likely, I’ll end up with a B because I do my all my work.
Mr. Romero, I believe you should make my grade a B. I have always been an A-B student. I have never received anything lower than a B in Reading/English class. I have always made good grades in this subject. I’m not saying I’m perfect, but I always put my best effort into my work.
English is one of the subjects that keeps my attention while I’m in class. I always try to stay focused and prepared. I have turned in all of my assignments to you this whole year and I have also learned a lot in your class. For example, I’ve learned what pronouns, adjectives, and adverbs are. I also learned how to make better, organized charts and I learned more about conflicts, setting, plot, characters, and conclusions.
Now Mr. Romero, you know that I have always been a very respectful student to both you and my classmates but I also know that I lack in my participation skills. This is something I am going to work on for the rest of the year.
I really want an A/B in your class. When I get my report card, I would like to have all A/B’s in all of my classes. I want to have all passing grades because I want to make my parents proud of what I’ve accomplished in my first year of high school.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
The Life of Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou
Kenya McQueen
January 15, 2008
Maya Angelou was born as the name Marguerite Ann Johnson on April 4, 1928 in St. Louis, Missouri. Her parents were Bailey Johnson and Vivian Baxter-Johnson. Marguerite was named “Maya” because her older brother Bailey Jr. gave her that nickname and her last name came from her ex-husband Tosh Angelos.
Maya was a quiet girl who went “mute” for nearly five years. She thought that if she spoke, her “mouth would just issue out something that would kill people, randomly, so it was better not to talk”. Maya didn’t have a great childhood. Her mother and father broke up their marriage and she was sexually abused and raped by her mother’s boyfriend at age eight. At age eighteen, she wrote her first autobiography called I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. After this book was published, it catapulted her to international fame and critical acclaim. In 1973, she remarried to Paul du Feu and moved with him and her son to Sonoma, California which is where her most productive years as a writer and a poet came.
Not only was Maya Angelou an excellent poet and writer, but she was also a playwright, producer, and a director. She published seven autobiographies, four children’s books, about fifteen poems or more, and wrote six plays. One of the most influential poems that Maya wrote was Phenomenal Woman: Four Poems for Women. This poem is describing how beautiful and powerful black women are. This poem had affected a lot of African-American women from the past and today. Maya Angelou also met writers who were in the Civil Rights Movement. She also became close friends with Malcolm X. After his assassination, Martin Luther King, Jr. requested her to become the Northern Coordinator Southern Christian Leadership Conferences. Ms. Angelou also appeared on talk shows like Oprah Winfrey’s show, and she also became very popular from her public speaking.
People should know that Maya Angelou was a phenomenal woman. She has received 62 awards and 37 honorary degrees. She has inspired so many people now. To me, the most impressive thing that she has done was win so many awards. To me, that means that she has really made a difference in people’s lives and that people really appreciate the things she has done.
Maya Angelou has inspired me to be able to write poems. Ever since I was younger, I’ve wanted to be like Maya Angelou and write a lot of poems like her because they were so powerful. Lat year, one of my classmates said that I write great stories. So hopefully in the future, I am able to write a poem or story that will affect people, just the way Maya Angelou’s poems did.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Controversial Topic- Pornography
Now most people would feel uncomfortable talking about this topic, but actually, this is a very interesting topic to talk about. I don't think pornography is good, or bad (just so you know, I don't watch porn). I think that porn has it's good qualities and its bad qualities. For some people, porn can be good. Let's say that you (a older male) have been married for a while and your "not as good" as you used to be when you were younger. Well watching a porn video can make you better because it can show you different moves you can do. But, porn also is bad because sometimes when you watch porn to much, you can become addicted to it. If you are married and you start to become addicted to porn, it can possibly ruin your relationship. So, do I think that pornography is bad?????Well, like I said, I don't think its good, or bad, but it's something that can either help your love life, or destroy it.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Should Huckleberry Finn Be Taught In School???
I think that Huckleberry Finn should be taught in school, but taught to a higher grade level. I don't think Huck Finn should be taught to a ninth grade class because not a lot of ninth graders might be interested in this kind of old book. Some actually enjoyed Huck Finn, but some other ninth graders either didn't really understand the book, or just didn't find it interesting. If a tenth or eleventh grade class read Huck Finn, they might enjoy it more because they might comprehend it a little more then a ninth grader.Honestly, I think the book is a tiny bit boring. I had a hard time comprehending the story. But after I watched the movie, I understood the book more. so, I do think Huck Finn should be taught in school, but I just think it should be taught in a higher grade level because I think that a higher grade might understand the story more.
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